The story of DB Cooper

DB Cooper: The Legendary Hijacker Who Got Away

DB Cooper is a legendary figure in American criminal history, known for hijacking a Northwest Orient Airlines flight in 1971 and making off with $200,000 in ransom money before parachuting out of the plane and disappearing into the wilderness. Despite an extensive manhunt and numerous investigations over the past 50 years, DB Cooper’s true identity and whereabouts remain unknown, making him one of the most fascinating and enduring mysteries of our time.

The Hijacking of Flight 305

On November 24, 1971, DB Cooper boarded a Northwest Orient Airlines flight 305 traveling from Portland, Oregon, to Seattle, Washington. He sat in the rear of the aircraft and was described as a middle-aged man in a business suit. Shortly after takeoff, Cooper handed a note to the flight attendant, Tina Mucklow, indicating that he had a bomb in his briefcase and demanding $200,000 in cash and four parachutes.

Cooper’s demands were taken seriously, and the plane was diverted to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, where the FBI was called in to negotiate with Cooper. During the negotiations, Cooper explained that he wanted the money and parachutes for use in his escape, and he threatened to blow up the plane if his demands were not met.

After a tense standoff lasting several hours, the FBI delivered the ransom money and parachutes to the plane, and Cooper allowed the passengers and two of the flight attendants to disembark. However, he kept several members of the crew as hostages, and the plane took off again with Cooper, the flight crew, and the ransom money still on board.

Cooper then instructed the pilot to fly towards Mexico City, but during the flight, he opened the rear stairs of the plane and jumped out with a parachute and the ransom money. The plane landed safely in Reno, Nevada, but Cooper was nowhere to be found.

The Jump and Disappearance

After the ransom money and parachutes were delivered to the plane, DB Cooper instructed the pilot to fly towards Mexico City while flying at low altitude with the rear stairs of the plane open. The pilot complied with Cooper’s demand, and Cooper used one of the four parachutes to strap the ransom money to himself.

At approximately 8:13 PM, somewhere over the wilderness of Washington or Oregon, Cooper jumped from the rear stairs of the plane, into the cold and stormy night sky. The exact location of his jump is still unknown, but it is believed to have been somewhere between Ariel, Washington, and Lake Merwin, north of Portland, Oregon.

Cooper’s jump and disappearance launched one of the most extensive manhunts in U.S. history. Despite numerous search efforts, including the use of helicopters, planes, and ground search teams, no trace of Cooper was ever found in the wilderness areas where he was believed to have landed.

Several theories have been put forward about how Cooper may have survived the jump and escape, including suggestions that he may have had special military training, or that he may have prepared a landing area with accomplices. However, there is no definitive evidence to support any of these theories, and the truth about what happened to DB Cooper after his jump remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the 20th century.

The Investigation and Suspects

Following the hijacking of Flight 305 and the disappearance of DB Cooper, an extensive investigation was launched to identify and apprehend the culprit. The FBI led the investigation and followed up on leads and tips from witnesses and the public.

The investigation identified several suspects, including Richard McCoy, Robert Rackstraw, and Kenneth Christiansen, who were all investigated and cleared of involvement in the crime. Despite the extensive efforts, no conclusive evidence was ever found linking any of the suspects to the hijacking.

One of the most promising leads in the investigation was the discovery of several pieces of evidence linked to the hijacking, including Cooper’s clip-on tie, a black clip-on tie left behind on the plane, and the parachute cords he used during the jump. However, these pieces of evidence failed to provide any significant leads in the investigation.

In 1976, the FBI released composite sketches of the hijacker based on eyewitness accounts. The sketches generated thousands of tips and leads, but none of them resulted in the identification or capture of DB Cooper.

Over the years, several individuals have claimed to be DB Cooper or to have knowledge of his identity and whereabouts, but none of these claims have been substantiated. In recent years, new technology has been used to analyze the DNA found on Cooper’s clip-on tie and parachute cords, but no conclusive matches have been found.

Despite the lack of progress in the investigation and the absence of any definitive evidence, the DB Cooper case remains one of the most intriguing unsolved mysteries in American history. The legacy of the case endures, and it continues to inspire theories, speculation, and fascination among the public.

Motive of DB Cooper

The motive behind the hijacking of Flight 305 and the actions of DB Cooper remain a mystery to this day. Cooper’s demands for $200,000 in ransom money, four parachutes, and a refueling stop in Seattle before continuing on to Mexico remain unexplained.

Some have speculated that Cooper was a professional criminal who carefully planned the hijacking and escape, while others have suggested that he was a disgruntled former airline employee or a Vietnam War veteran who sought to make a statement.

The lack of a clear motive has only added to the mystique and fascination surrounding the DB Cooper case, and it remains one of the most enduring unsolved mysteries in American history.

The Legacy of DB Cooper

DB Cooper’s daring heist and mysterious disappearance have captured the public’s imagination for decades, inspiring c

The DB Cooper case has had a lasting impact on American popular culture and has become a cultural icon that continues to fascinate generations.

The hijacking and disappearance of DB Cooper occurred during a time of great social and political upheaval in the United States, and the case became a symbol of the era. The image of the dapper hijacker, with his sunglasses and suit, has become an iconic representation of the 1970s and the counterculture movement of the time.

The case has also had a significant impact on the airline industry, leading to the implementation of new security measures and protocols. In response to the hijacking, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mandated that all commercial aircraft be equipped with security features such as reinforced cockpit doors and metal detectors.

The DB Cooper case has inspired numerous books, movies, and television shows over the years, and the story has been fictionalized and adapted in various ways. The case has also spawned countless theories, speculation, and conspiracy theories, with many people continuing to search for answers and clues that might finally solve the mystery.

In 2016, the FBI officially closed the case, citing a lack of leads and a probability that Cooper did not survive the jump. However, the case remains one of the most intriguing unsolved mysteries in American history, and it continues to capture the public imagination.

The legacy of DB Cooper endures, and the case remains a powerful symbol of the turbulent and uncertain times of the 1970s, as well as a reminder of the enduring fascination and intrigue of unsolved mysteries.

Why many Americans consider him a hero

While DB Cooper was a criminal who committed a serious crime by hijacking a commercial airliner and extorting ransom money, he has also been seen by some as a folk hero or anti-establishment figure.

In the early 1970s, there was a strong anti-establishment sentiment in the United States, fueled by opposition to the Vietnam War, political corruption, and economic inequality. Cooper’s daring hijacking and successful escape captured the public imagination and resonated with some who saw him as a symbol of rebellion against the system.

In addition, Cooper’s polite and nonviolent demeanor during the hijacking, as well as his decision to release the passengers unharmed, has contributed to a certain degree of romanticization of his actions. Some have even suggested that Cooper’s motives may have been noble, such as a desire to redistribute wealth or expose government corruption.


DB Cooper’s story has fascinated generations of Americans, capturing the public’s imagination with its blend of daring, mystery, and intrigue. Despite the many theories and investigations, the true identity and fate of DB Cooper remain unknown, leaving us to wonder what happened to this legendary hijacker and whether his story will ever be fully resolved.

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