Hotel star rating system- 1 star to 5 star hotels

Hotel star rating system

The hotel star rating system has a long history that dates back to the early 20th century. The first known hotel rating system was developed in the 1930s by the American Automobile Association (AAA), which used a simple rating system of one to five diamonds to rate hotels based on their amenities and services.

Over time, many countries and regions developed their own hotel rating systems, each with their own criteria and standards. However, the basic principle of the star rating system remained the same, with one to five stars indicating the level of luxury and amenities offered by a hotel.

Criteria for Hotel star rating system- 1 to 5 stars

The specific criteria used to determine a hotel’s star rating can vary depending on the country or region. However, some common factors that are typically considered in determining a hotel’s star rating include:

  • Room Quality: This includes factors such as the size and condition of the rooms, the quality of the furnishings, and the level of cleanliness.
  • Amenities: This includes things like the availability of a restaurant, room service, a fitness center, a swimming pool, and other recreational facilities.
  • Staff: This includes the level of service provided by the hotel staff, including their friendliness and helpfulness.
  • Location: This includes factors such as the hotel’s proximity to popular tourist attractions, transportation options, and other amenities.
  • Cleanliness: This includes the overall cleanliness of the hotel, including the rooms, common areas, and the facilities.
  • Safety and Security: This includes the safety measures taken by the hotel, for example, fire safety, emergency evacuation plans, and security systems.
  • Special Services: This includes the additional services offered by the hotel, such as valet parking, concierge service, and baggage storage.
  • Reputation: This includes the reputation of the hotel in the market, feedback from previous customers, and overall customer satisfaction.

It’s important to note that the criteria used to rate hotels may vary depending on the country or region, and the weight given to each criterion may also vary. Additionally, some countries may have their own certification systems, which may have different criteria and standards. Below is a general overview of the criteria used by these organizations to rate hotels:

1-Star Hotels

1-star hotels are considered the most basic level of hotel accommodation. They typically provide the bare minimum in terms of amenities and services. Here are some characteristics of 1-star hotels:

  • Room Quality: 1-star hotels typically have small, basic rooms with minimal furnishings. They may not have private bathrooms or air conditioning.
  • Amenities: 1-star hotels may not have additional amenities such as a restaurant, room service, or a fitness center. They may have a small front desk service or a vending machine.
  • Staff: The staff at 1-star hotels may have limited English or customer service skills.
  • Location: 1-star hotels may be located in less desirable areas, or may be located away from popular tourist attractions.
  • Cleanliness: 1-star hotels may not have a high standard of cleanliness, and the facilities may be in need of repairs.
  • Safety and Security: 1-star hotels may not have adequate safety and security measures in place.
  • Special Services: 1-star hotels may not offer additional services such as valet parking or concierge service.
  • Reputation: 1-star hotels may have a poor reputation in the market, with negative feedback from previous customers.

2-Star Hotels

2-star hotels are considered to be slightly better than 1-star hotels in terms of amenities and services. They may provide slightly more comfort and luxury than 1-star hotels, but are still considered budget-friendly accommodations. Here are some characteristics of 2-star hotels:

  • Room Quality: 2-star hotels typically have small, basic rooms with minimal furnishings. They may have private bathrooms and air conditioning, but the rooms may be in need of repairs or upgrades.
  • Amenities: 2-star hotels may have a small restaurant or a limited front desk service, but they may not have additional amenities such as a fitness center or room service.
  • Staff: The staff at 2-star hotels may have limited English or customer service skills, but they may be more helpful than those at 1-star hotels.
  • Location: 2-star hotels may be located in less desirable areas, or may be located away from popular tourist attractions.
  • Cleanliness: 2-star hotels may have a higher standard of cleanliness than 1-star hotels, but the facilities may still be in need of repairs.
  • Safety and Security: 2-star hotels may have adequate safety and security measures in place, but they may not be as comprehensive as those at higher-rated hotels.
  • Special Services: 2-star hotels may not offer additional services such as valet parking or concierge service.
  • Reputation: 2-star hotels may have mixed feedback from previous customers, with some praising the hotel’s budget-friendly prices and basic amenities, while others may complain about the lack of comfort or luxury.

2-star hotels are generally considered budget-friendly and basic accommodations, but they may provide slightly more comfort and luxury than 1-star hotels. However, travelers should not expect a high level of amenities or services at 2-star hotels.

3-Star Hotels

3-star hotels are considered to be a step up from 2-star hotels in terms of amenities and services. They provide a moderate level of comfort and luxury, and are considered mid-range accommodations. Here are some characteristics of 3-star hotels:

  • Room Quality: 3-star hotels typically have larger, more comfortable rooms with more furnishings and amenities than 2-star hotels. They may have private bathrooms and air conditioning, and the rooms may be recently renovated or upgraded.
  • Amenities: 3-star hotels may have a restaurant, room service, and a small fitness center. They may also have a front desk service and limited concierge service.
  • Staff: The staff at 3-star hotels may have better English and customer service skills than those at 2-star hotels. They may be more helpful and attentive to guests’ needs.
  • Location: 3-star hotels may be located in more desirable areas, or may be located near popular tourist attractions.
  • Cleanliness: 3-star hotels may have a high standard of cleanliness, and the facilities may be well-maintained.
  • Safety and Security: 3-star hotels may have adequate safety and security measures in place, but they may not be as comprehensive as those at higher-rated hotels.
  • Special Services: 3-star hotels may offer limited additional services such as valet parking or concierge service.
  • Reputation: 3-star hotels may have generally positive feedback from previous customers, with many praising the hotel’s comfortable rooms and moderate amenities and services.

3-star hotels are generally considered mid-range accommodations that provide a moderate level of comfort and luxury. They offer more amenities and services than 2-star hotels, but they may not have as many luxuries or high-end services as 4-star or 5-star hotels.

4-Star Hotels

4-star hotels are considered to be a step above 3-star hotels in terms of amenities and services. They provide a high level of comfort and luxury, and are considered upper-mid-range to upscale accommodations. Here are some characteristics of 4-star hotels:

  • Room Quality: 4-star hotels typically have large, well-appointed rooms with high-end furnishings and amenities. They may have private bathrooms, air conditioning, and modern technology such as flat-screen TVs and high-speed internet.
  • Amenities: 4-star hotels may have a restaurant, room service, fitness center, and a full-service front desk and concierge service. They may also have additional amenities such as a swimming pool, spa, or business center.
  • Staff: The staff at 4-star hotels may have excellent English and customer service skills. They may be highly trained and attentive to guests’ needs, and may be able to provide personalized service.
  • Location: 4-star hotels may be located in prime locations, or may be located near popular tourist attractions.
  • Cleanliness: 4-star hotels may have a very high standard of cleanliness, and the facilities may be recently renovated or well-maintained.
  • Safety and Security: 4-star hotels may have comprehensive safety and security measures in place, and may have 24-hour security staff on duty.
  • Special Services: 4-star hotels may offer additional services such as valet parking, concierge service, and airport transportation.
  • Reputation: 4-star hotels may have generally positive feedback from previous customers, with many praising the hotel’s luxurious rooms, high-end amenities and services, and excellent staff.

4-star hotels are generally considered upper-mid-range to upscale accommodations that provide a high level of comfort and luxury. They offer many amenities and services that are not available at 3-star hotels, and they may have more luxurious or high-end options than 5-star hotels.

5-Star Hotels

5-star hotels are considered to be the highest level of luxury accommodations. They provide the most extensive amenities and services, and are considered deluxe or luxury hotels. Here are some characteristics of 5-star hotels:

  • Room Quality: 5-star hotels typically have large, elegantly appointed rooms with high-end furnishings and amenities. They may have private bathrooms, air conditioning, and state-of-the-art technology such as flat-screen TVs and high-speed internet. The room may have a balcony, terrace, or a sea view.
  • Amenities: 5-star hotels may have a restaurant, room service, fitness center, and a full-service front desk and concierge service. They may also have additional amenities such as a swimming pool, spa, business center, and/or a private beach.
  • Staff: The staff at 5-star hotels may have excellent English and customer service skills. They may be highly trained, attentive to guests’ needs, and able to provide personalized service. They may also be able to provide butler service.
  • Location: 5-star hotels may be located in prime locations or exclusive neighborhoods, or may be located near popular tourist attractions.
  • Cleanliness: 5-star hotels may have a very high standard of cleanliness, and the facilities may be recently renovated or well-maintained.
  • Safety and Security: 5-star hotels may have comprehensive safety and security measures in place, and may have 24-hour security staff on duty.
  • Special Services: 5-star hotels may offer additional services such as valet parking, concierge service, airport transportation, and butler service.
  • Reputation: 5-star hotels may have generally positive feedback from previous customers, with many praising the hotel’s luxurious rooms, high-end amenities, and services, and excellent staff.

5-star hotels are considered to be the highest level of luxury accommodations. They offer many amenities and services that are not available at lower-rated hotels, and they may have more luxurious or high-end options than 4-star hotels. They are the epitome of luxury and comfort.

Is there a 6 or 7-star hotel rating?

There is not an official 6-star hotel rating, at least not in most countries. The highest rating for hotels is typically 5 stars. Some hotels may market themselves as “6-star” or “luxury beyond 5-stars” to indicate that they are even more luxurious than a typical 5-star hotel, but this is not an official rating recognized by most hotel rating organizations. Some countries like Australia or UAE have their own rating criteria and may have 6 star or 7 star hotels. However, these are not widely recognized and are not included in the international rating system.

The 7-star rating too is not an official rating recognized by most hotel rating organizations. Some hotels may market themselves as “7-star” to indicate that they are ultra-luxurious, but this is not an official rating recognized by most hotel rating organizations. Some countries like UAE have their own rating criteria and may have 7-star hotels. However, these are not widely recognized and are not included in the international rating system.

It’s important to note that the 6 or 7-star rating is not a standard and it’s not based on any official criteria. These are terms used by some hotel owners or marketers to promote their properties as ultra-luxurious.


Hotel star ratings are a way to classify and evaluate the amenities, services, and overall quality of a hotel. The rating system ranges from 1-star to 5-star, with 1-star hotels being the most basic and 5-star hotels being the most luxurious. It is important to note that the star rating system is not a perfect indicator of a hotel’s quality, as it is based on self-evaluation and inspection by the hotel industry. It’s always recommended to read reviews from previous guests and check the hotel’s website to get a more accurate picture of the hotel.

In recent years, the internet and online review sites have made it easier for travelers to research and compare hotels. However, the star rating system is still widely used and recognized by travelers as a way to quickly understand the overall quality and level of luxury of a hotel.

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