What Is Hezbollah? What Are Its Goals, and How Does It Support Hamas in the War with Israel?

What Is Hezbollah? What Are Its Goals, and How Does It Support Hamas in the War with Israel?

The recent increase in violence in the Middle East, particularly along the northern border of Israel and Lebanon, has raised worries about a bigger conflict. Hezbollah, a strong military group from Lebanon, has expressed support for Palestinians by launching artillery and rockets. This Lebanese faction is labeled as a “terrorist” group by Gulf states allied with the United States, such as Saudi Arabia. They support Hamas and view the recent Hamas attack as a strong reaction to Israel’s ongoing presence.

Hezbollah: What It Means?

Hezbollah, which means “Party of God,” is a Shia military and political organization that was founded in 1982 in response to Israel’s occupation of southern Lebanon. It grew from armed groups backed by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. With substantial support among Shia Muslims, Hezbollah has become a significant opponent of Israel, famous for its accurate rockets and a powerful fighting force.

Hezbollah’s Military and Weapons Arsenal

In 2021, Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, claimed that the group had 100,000 fighters. Hezbollah is known for its precise rockets, with the capability to target all parts of Israel. They frequently showcase a wide range of heavy and light weaponry, including anti-aircraft weapons, rocket launchers, and rocket-propelled grenades. According to various international reports, the group now possesses an arsenal that some argue is on par with that of the national army. They justify this by emphasizing their role as “resistance” against Israel. Notably, Hezbollah is the only Lebanese faction that retained its weapons after the end of the country’s civil war from 1975 to 1990.

Is Hezbollah a ‘Terrorist’ Organisation?

Hezbollah is designated as a “terrorist organization” by the United States and numerous Western countries, as well as by US-aligned Gulf states and Saudi Arabia. However, the European Union differentiates, categorizing its military wing as a “terrorist group” while not applying this label to its political wing. These differing viewpoints highlight the multifaceted role that Hezbollah holds, encompassing both military and political aspects.

What Are the Goals Of Hezbollah?

Hezbollah’s core objective is to defeat Israel and expel Western colonialist entities from the Middle East. They sustain campaigns against Israeli forces in Lebanon and carry out attacks on Israeli civilians in other nations to underscore their commitment to this goal. They pride themselves on having prompted Israel’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon in 2000, establishing a significant ideological victory.

Influence In Lebanon’s Politics

Hezbollah plays a substantial role in Lebanon’s political landscape. They have members who serve as ministers in the government and as lawmakers in the parliament. Although some people accuse them of contributing to conflicts in Lebanon, their political importance grew significantly when Syria withdrew from Lebanon in 2005 following the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Even with changes in election outcomes, Hezbollah’s influence in Lebanese politics continues to be quite noticeable and strong.

Who Funds Hezbollah?

Iran’s substantial annual financial support, estimated in the hundreds of millions, plays a pivotal role in maintaining Hezbollah’s strength. Led by Hassan Nasrallah since 1992, the organization has secured a significant position within Lebanon’s sectarian political framework. It garners substantial backing among the Shia population, effectively functioning as a quasi-autonomous entity within the state. This dual role – as a militant group and a political force – makes Hezbollah a dominant and influential player in the region, with Iran’s financial assistance being a cornerstone of its continued operation and influence.

Hezbollah Vs Hamas

Hezbollah and Hamas, though separate organizations, have a shared goal of armed resistance against Israel. While Hezbollah is based in Lebanon, Hamas has its roots in Palestine and took control of the Gaza Strip after winning elections in 2006. Their recent cooperation and public statements demonstrate their unity in opposing Israel’s occupation and their disapproval of Arab nations normalizing relations with Israel.

Two-Front War?

Recent events have sparked worries about the potential for a more extensive conflict, which could draw in Lebanon if Hezbollah becomes more actively involved. Analysts are discussing the chance of a two-front war that might entangle Lebanon in the crisis. The actions and reactions of Hezbollah in the days ahead will play a crucial role in shaping how events unfold, emphasizing the importance of skillful diplomacy to preserve regional stability.

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